Love is…

Posted: January 21, 2012 in Random Schwandom, Uncategorized
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I wouldn’t claim, ever, that I can understand everything Margaret Attwood wrote, but this one’s from my favorite Cta’s Eye 😉

Love is obsession, with undertones of nausea.

that is what’s love supposed to be, and i tell myself that like a mantra. I repeat the words to myself fervently. I feel its harshness from the hot air coming out of my mouth as i utter each syllable. Coarse and hot as the sun at midday.

I think about my soles burning…

Daytime strolls under the sun, so seductively sweet, peeling my skin.

I’ll paint an ugly image of burnt soles… with hopes that it will drive away any thought of you.

You, in all your god-like glory.

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