Posts Tagged ‘prosecutors’

I have been following the CJ Corona impeachment trial since last week. We’re just on day 7 now, and no matter what both the defense and prosecution about their advantage / edge over the other, I still think that at this point, it is still early to tell. What is telling though, is how the congressmen-prosecutors are onviously quite clueless about trial proceedings. Much as they deny it, they were often caught unprepared. Heck, they do not even know what questions to ask or how to ask them according to procedure, or in such a way that will not compromise the rights of the one being impeached (or accused. They seem to forget that even hardened criminals have rights. tsk) I laughed out loud when one congressman prosecutor even told the presiding officer judge to be “flexible” and “liberal” in questioning the witnesses they presented. Hello?

They’re lucky the senator judges really just want to get this over and done with, and are doing their best to be as objective as possible. Last week it was a couple of senators who was able to make one witness bring out some very important documents. Yesterday it was another senator, who’s an expert in tax issues, who asked the questions since the witness being questioned is the Internal Revenue commisioner. But how long can the prosecution push their luck?

They had the Chritsmas break and long weekends to study and prepare for the case, what the hell is going on?

I can only hope that in the coming days, they won’t be singing this song anymore.

okay, the real title of the song is “Holding Out for A Hero” 😉